Classic Car Enthusiast Gets behind the Wheel for Stoughton Seniors

Article written by Mary Schmelzer of RSVP of Dane County, Inc.

Scottish author James Matthew Barrie believed that “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.” Volunteer Howard Vander Zanden is someone who knows how to bring a bit of sunshine to what he does, through his kindness and concern for others his positive nature shines through.

After a 32-year career as a vault teller for M&I Bank, Vander Zanden was looking at the post-work horizon and during a conversation with friend Henry Jacky, learned about the Driver Escort program in Stoughton that provides rides to medical appointments to area seniors.  “I like to drive in general,” he said. “When I was younger, I always wanted to drive a Greyhound Bus, but it never quite materialized.” So in a twist on the Greyhound dream of his youth, he took the steering wheel in hand to serve seniors in the Stoughton area. 

“I like the people, they are so kind, friendly and considerate. It makes the job easy,” Vander Zanden shared.  “It’s a good service where they know they will get to their appointments on time and someone will be there to take them home when it’s done. Honestly, I don’t know where they’d be without it. And I usually don’t have a problem fitting a ride in.” 

Raised in Fond du Lac, WI with two brothers by a father who worked on the railroad and a mother who was a nursing assistant, he combines the love for transportation and the concern for others that his parents modeled.  “It gives me a sense of personal satisfaction to help others – that’s what it’s all about,” Vander Zanden said.

He and his wife of 50 years Joanne, raised their son and daughter in Stoughton and explored the Midwest together over the years, visiting family and attending classic car shows, where Vander Zanden sometimes shows his 1983 Chevrolet Caprice, which he reports to be in mint condition!

Vander Zanden also keeps busy with bowling and as a collector, and he used to call Bingo at St. Anne’s Catholic Church. He encourages others to consider driving.  “It gives you something to do and it’s better than sitting around,” he said.  “Retirement can get boring once in a while and this can make it interesting!”

The Driver Escort and Vets Helping Vets passenger services need drivers in the Stoughton area and in all Dane County communities. Drivers are offered reimbursement at .56 cents/mile and additional liability insurance. RSVP provides PPE supplies. Drivers must be vaccinated and starting on October 15, this will be a requirement for passengers as well.   The service operates weekdays, 8:30-am to 3:30pm.   For more information, contact Mary Schmelzer at or 608-441-7896.