Falls Report & What YOU Can Do to Prevent Falls

Wisconsin EMS and Falls Report

Falls are a leading cause of injury and death in Wisconsin and in 2022, emergency medical services (EMS) in Wisconsin responded to over 130,000 falls. EMS data offers a unique insight into falls, and EMS offers an opportunity to address falls in the community.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Wisconsin has the highest fall death rate among older adults in the United States. Falls do not just cause fatal injuries, but also can cause long-term health conditions stemming from injuries or a loss of confidence in one’s own physical fitness.

Despite all of this, falls can be prevented. There are a variety of steps that people can take to reduce their chance of falling.

From CDC’s CDC’s Older Adult Fall Prevention:“What You Can Do to Prevent Falls”

Falls can be prevented. These are some simple things you can do to keep yourself from falling.


  • Ask your doctor or healthcare provider to evaluate your risk for falling and talk with them about specific things you can do.

  • Ask your doctor or pharmacist to review your medicines to see if any might make you dizzy or sleepy. This should include prescription medicines and over-the counter medicines.

  • Ask your doctor or healthcare provider about taking vitamin D supplements.


Do exercises that make your legs stronger and improve your balance. Tai Chi is a good example of this kind of exercise.


Have your eyes checked by an eye doctor at least once a year, and be sure to update your eyeglasses if needed.

If you have bifocal or progressive lenses, you may want to get a pair of glasses with only your distance prescription for outdoor activities, such as walking. Sometimes these types of lenses can make things seem closer or farther away than they really are.


  • Get rid of things you could trip over.

  • Add grab bars inside and outside your tub or shower and next to the toilet.

  • Put railings on both sides of stairs.

  • Make sure your home has lots of light by adding more or brighter light bulbs.

resources on preventing falls