Home Delivered Meals

18,077 meals served to 159 people
When Safer at Home was enacted, the County canceled our on-site meal program and switched the meal delivery program to three days a week. We also adopted a “no interaction” safety protocol (i.e., pick-up meals by the Center’s doorway, hang meals on residents’ doorknob or on a table or chair outside their door, step back and see how the person is doing, donations mailed to Center).

In July, we switched back to delivering meals five days a week. This gave meal recipients more meal variety and a return to seeing familiar drivers. Unfortunately, it also gave some people a false sense of safety and reminders of our “contact-free” policies were needed. Our motto soon turned to, “because we don’t know who has COVID-19, we must assume everyone does.” Although, the method of delivery changed for our drivers, our meal recipients continued to receive ongoing healthy meals and check-ins in a safe manner.