The building was closed to the public for most of the year beginning March 16. For the remainder of the year staff worked remotely, and in split and staggered in-office shifts so we could still operate if any of us or our kitchen volunteers were exposed to COVID-19. Through it, we continued to serve older adults in the community. The Stoughton Area Senior Center rose to the challenge of the past year and succeeded in protecting the health and welfare of older adults in the Stoughton area. The following explains the creative ways we managed to safely provide programs and services to individuals needing meals, case management, durable medical equipment, information and social engagement.
Home Delivered Meals
18,077 meals served to 159 people
Case Management
3,716 instances of service, 240 people
Information & Assistance
1,809 instances of service, 507 people
Kim’s Pick-up Meals
1497 meals, 298 people
Assistive Loan Equipment
279 items loaned to 172 people
Volunteer Support
96 volunteers provided 1422 hours of service
Programming & Engagement
In-Person Activities
540 participated in 4,678 Center activities from Jan. - March
Virtual Events
34 Senior Center sponsored events, attendances of five – 25 participants (continue to get views on our YouTube Channel and Facebook page)
At-Home/Non-Virtual Activities
several mailed or delivered options reached an average of 200 individuals
Physically Distanced In-Person Activities
over 20 events brought approximately 600 visitors
Publications Outreach
Yahara Senior News Newsletter, 900 -1200 printed monthly
e-newsletter recipients, 280 in January to 656 in December
postcard, mailed to 900 residences
website: 127,000 unique visits, an average of 10,764 monthly page views
Facebook: 448 Facebook likes/followers
Other Notable Accomplishments
Four staff received Behavioral Health and Aging certification from Boston University’s Center for Aging & Disability Education & Research (BADER)
We reached our fundraising goal of $29,500; each year, the City requires us to cover this amount towards the Senior Center’s operational fund.
Our staff organized calls and volunteers for a Thanksgiving Day meal from Stoughton Hospital and calls for Stoughton VFW’s a Christmas Dinner